Pinoy gay movies dreamguyz

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Unfortunately, the company collapses without warning. So he enlists the members in a networking company that has been giving him ample dividends. As a former Japayuki himself, Didi knows a stint in Japan hardly guarantees a financial windfall for the group. On top of his romantic quandary, Jake is soon discovered to have a heart ailment, jeopardizing his chances of joining the group’s trip to Japan. Problem is, Jake lives with his devoted girlfriend JENNY, who supports him financially. The two members who share choreographic duties, JAKE and RICO, quickly develop a secret romance. ALVIN is Didi’s lover, who openly expresses his affections for his benefactor while hoping to make his own money in Japan. BENJO seeks to escape a cruel stepfather and find his missing older brother, a musician turned illegal alien in Japan.

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He makes sure his recruiter doesn’t find out he’s not a first-timer to Japan like the rest of the guys. MICHAEL worked as a dancer in Japan when he was still a minor, using a fictitious name and a forged passport. Guided by their gay manager DIDI, they spend the next few months before their trip bonding as friends who share a common dream of finding greener pastures in the Land of the Rising Sun. Five young men land job contracts as entertainers in Japan and form a new hip-hop dance group called Dreamguyz.

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